Gustavo (Sacy) Rossi is a traitor to all Brazilians.
He left LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL after winning a fluke champions with tm8s like asspas and baadhak for sentineLs to play with dephh (T2 player) zekken (his name is zach ew) TenZ (BatChest) and pANcada (omg why pancada doesnt miss a shot). asspas left in shamble his hard carry was gone and he got exposed as jett one trick getting carried by cowanzin toweez thru ezpz bracket, C9 better chad team owns just got hard bracket unlucky match vs frauDRX after owning pooPRX lolz literal traitor kkkkkkkkkkk go back to brazil with shit crowds and stuff, sacy traitor