For example GarnetS 0.86 800 dpi or f0rsaken, how do these guys control this sens? Wrist aiming? Hand aiming? What grip is best for this sens?
theirs is nothing compare to wippie :)
why do you think hes on g2 😹😹😹
fingertip grip, takes time to get down the mouse control
Fingertip? Both player use fingertip? Is claw good gor this kind of sens?
sens is all dependent on wrist vs arm aiming for sure. I run 1200dpi at .405 sens in game, and everyone says thats crazy high but thats honestly me forcing myself to be as low as i can with the ability to still flick when needed
mine is 1000 dpi and 0.75 only bc my mousepad is fk trash
1500 dpi and 2.7 sens ig. diamond btw
I use .3 on 400 dpi. I use a large mousepad and I got used to it.
1 on 800 dpi. Wrist aim and my grip is palm/claw hybrid.