Flag: United States
Registered: May 28, 2021
Last post: September 22, 2023 at 12:52 PM
Posts: 35

this makes me think of sideshow saying "absolute melons" to KC

posted about a year ago

same!! or at least first that made me a fan instead of watching for lack of other things to do lol

posted about a year ago

thats fair. And I think we can agree that it is unfair and shouldn't be a funny thing to popularize

posted about a year ago

I agree that people clown on gc for no reason, but people clown on everyone for no reason. Because of my flag if I compliment a Brazilian player = bandwagon. If I talk bad about any EU player = NA braindead.

I think we should allow everyone to hype everyone up, but people don't see it as targeted at gamechangers because they do it to everyone else. Like all of the hate towards Tier 1 pros who are being hyped up just because there are a few players who are better so by vlr logic since player is not easily number 1 they suck...

posted about a year ago

Ethan and Bcj are good. I have no doubt. Jawgemo feels like a talent, but pretty inconsistent.

idk about their bench. I liked the look of boostio at LCQ last year, but at LOCK IN he did look a little lost ngl. I think c0m needs to go for sure. Boostio is also their IGL I believe (or at least was for a bit last year), so that might mean they keep him. If they pick up a controller bcj could go back to init and might make more sense. But what do I know, I am just an armchair analyst lol.

I think they can figure it out if they get their protocols as tight as lcq last year. It seems like a lot of really drilled teams lost all protocols once chamber was nerfed (100t and eg being good examples in my mind).

posted about a year ago

Khalil is solid. I had him as my controller pick in a draft league. And all of the analysts that I have heard talk about him only talk positively about him. I don't think people see him as highly because, yes NA fans overhype players, but don't talk down on some lower tier pros coming in and doing well.
Khalil is good. That is more proven. But the other two are looking good, nobody is saying they are 100 percent gonna be top of the top in this moment.

posted about a year ago

I like EG. I was rocking the flare until recently (not because I am no longer a fan). I don't think they are amazing, but I do think that they can pull themselves together and possibly make a playoffs. But no shot they get close to a LAN. I am hoping Ethan and bcj get back into better form and they can take a match or two away from a top team.

posted about a year ago

I use skinport

posted about 2 years ago

I am hoping DSG do well. Realistically, M80 2-0, but I am hoping for a 2-1 or a 1-2. I really liked how they looked against TSM. Cool ideas.
TSM 2-1 MxM but same thing. I am hoping for a really close game or MxM 2-1.

Content creator's teams are an awesome idea that increase viewership.

posted about 2 years ago

Ah, okay thank you!

posted about 2 years ago

I used to always watch the live game updates when I would refresh my laptop in class or my phone at work if I couldn't watch. Like I would watch the score change live on vlr on the match page. Am I the only one who can't see that anymore? I have been trying to do that with the VRLs and the challengers league, but it just isnt working. Maybe it is a LAN only thing? Or maybe I am just stupid lol

posted about 2 years ago

I do my work for the week on Mon-Tues and then spend rest of week studying like 3-5 hours. Depends on day.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

.35 x 400
asc 1
Fill, but prefer intitiator

posted about 2 years ago

I play 400 on .35 sens. Got used to low sens in CS and never tried to up it. I like it. It feels smooth and makes me feel very accurate. Might look a little boring for spectators, but I enjoy.

posted about 2 years ago

Does anyone know if Governor is still calling for the team? I'm pretty sure tigg was calling on The Nation.

Governor was doing a good job imo, but I am just wondering if they said anything on broadcast because I watched no audio.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

I use .3 on 400 dpi. I use a large mousepad and I got used to it.

posted about 2 years ago

I have been hyping brazil since I first came to Valorant. I cheered for Vikings and HL. I think it is awesome that Brazil is playing really well.

I have never understood the hatred the regions have for each other. I love some teams from all the regions.

Brazil = W.

posted about 2 years ago

you could try for scrims. I have been using it and it is easy to scrim and/or find teammates.

10 mans are easy to find through discord servers

posted about 2 years ago


I like the setting up your team aspect of IGLing. I don't think that just categorizing people in "fragging" and "not fragging" is enough. For example, look at FPX. Their strats, use of good economy of ults and money, as well as how they set up their stars is amazing (old FPX, not new chinese team). ANGE1 is usually near the bottom of the scoreboard and watch parties and casters sometimes laugh at his spot on leaderboard. But nobody seems to remember when they used a stand in to qualify and he had to play duelist and popped tf off. I dont think that the IGLs are just useless lumps who cannot take fights in games. But they focus on other things to setup their stars for plays. That can even be done by just staying and anchoring site while team rotates and not seeing anyone. Or just throwing util and getting traded.

posted about 2 years ago

I enjoy watching professional VODs to try and learn about certain teams and how they play maps going into tournaments and also to better my understanding of the game, but with a bunch of the common VOD channels taking their videos down after two weeks and the VODs being deleted from twitch after a few days/weeks depending on the channel, I don't know where to look. It seemed so much easier going into the international events at the beginning of last year. Does anyone know of any sort of VOD database or channel that keeps all the videos up? I don't care about player perspective or with/without casters. I just want to be able to look at the macro gameplay and the agent comps + how they in particular play on the map.

posted about 2 years ago

I like the nrg take. I really liked the look of those guys going into lcq and even earlier this year.

W on moose as well.

posted about 2 years ago

Is that how many hours per day or per week or what?

posted about 2 years ago

alfredo with chicken

posted about 2 years ago

I agree. the amount of times she got away with pushing alone or holding site along with op is crazy

posted about 2 years ago

I like the fnatic comp. They made it look incredible, not that x10 look terrible with it. I think that it gives a good coverage, so the lurks have surprised me too. Good half from G2!

posted about 2 years ago

I like EG as an org from cs, but followed 100t in val bc of ex-csgo players. I am conflicted.
I have also been a very large BR fan throughout val before loud. was vikings all the way when they almost beat gambit :// (not that I am not now, just was a huge br fan before they were big)

posted about 2 years ago

I am a liquid fan. They got me into esports from CSGO.
However, there are many EMEA teams I would like to support. I will list them for the purpose of not wanting to be a bandwagon if I cheer for a winning team in future. I know nobody cares or asked, but I want to be more active in forums and would like to have a reference post if I get called bandwagon in future.

  • Liquid - reason above
  • KC - Scream is one of the reasons I tried val from cs and I love the family dynamic w/nivera
  • Vitality - Team seems interesting. Also, I love vitality in cs both old and new roster.
  • Fnatic - I love the personalities and the playstyle. Hoping for a good year. Wish enzo the best.
  • KOI - I want to see where this goes. I have loved the way all of the teams have played under Kold (assuming he is on koi, saw it as a rumor but have not been active with trades and signings recently)
posted about 2 years ago

I have an essay for my writing class that is based on the word of mouth increasing the value of things.
For example, when stock or crypto gurus tell their fans to buy a stock they already have to increase the price so they look smarter and make more money.
I am doing mine on esports (contracts, buyouts, etc.), but would need to quote players, coaches, or analysts on the topic. Would anyone be able to either help me find the email or discord or some way to contact someone in this position? One of my friends suggested joining the streams of smaller LFT players or something. Any advice on how to get an interview or just to ask two questions to someone like this?

posted about 2 years ago


  • Sean, DDK
posted about 2 years ago

TSM loses anyway... (I wanted them to qual, but will admit that). They seem to be close, just never on the mark. Myth has nothing to do with it. (next tournament watch him not watch and they win smh)

posted about 3 years ago