
Self discipline

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I generally cannot focus or find the motivation to do work outside of school ones which causes me to fall behind from my peers. I find that people of my age can somehow have enough time to revise thoroughly play, games and have a social life at the same time while i finish hw and play games. Is there something that i can do to fix it. Any tips?


You just need to be organised about it, like if you got homework due or an exam you gotta study only you know how long you need to study for but if you start early enough you can find time within the studying to do other things but if you're constantly behind in studying so going from 1 thing to another you're never gonna have time to do both. You also have to realise that if you wanna do all 3 either gaming or social life time has drop a bit.
Edit: what you're feeling is completely normal and trust me everyone you think is managing all 3 is failing at 1 of them (or they're dogshit at games)


Throw PC in poool


Time management is a skill that takes years and years to develop.
But if your complain is that you don't have enough time to do what you need to do, you're probably wasting that time on other less important things.
Things like watching random youtube videos, watching streamers, watching netflix or movies, will suck your time up just like that.

If you want more time, to what's really important to you (social life, gym, study etc) you have to stop wasting it in distractions.

And if you play games, stipulate an amount of play time.

Will it be 1 hour? 2 hours? 3 hours? you can chose. But you have to respect what you established.

all the best.


You can't be good at all three. It's really simple, unless you are extremely skilled at gaming, where hours of grinding made you not need to play way too much to keep the skill. Other than that, for both you academic and social life, you need to pour in a lot of time to be successful, there's no way out.

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