Guys soon there will be new act. please wish ajay luck cause ajay want to become immortal this new act. love and support appreciated <3
whats your rank now? gl Mr. aJAYYY!
mmm im silver now but ajay will try very hard! thank u mrsigma male
hes asc lmao
what ajay thinks about new map?
ajay think the new map will be ass
Good luck
become immortal
why so mean to ajay what ajay do to u :(
pick harbor in my rank games
LETS GOOO aJAYYY, you can do it
It's not as good as you think. Immortal is full of headless people running around and killing people. No strats at all
Good luck and have fun! (especially the second part)
ajay really like valorant, ajay usually play valorant when ajay go home from school. but of course only for 2 hours, cause ajay need to do his homework :)
he said he wants to become immortal, does he mean rank up to immortal I feel like there is a scheme here sussy
Hey ajayy
Yeehaw mr newbean
Common ajayy W
hello sir good morning!
koromast want to ask ajay why ajay communicate like hulk?
sorry ajay accent really thick, ajay english teacher taught ajay speak like this so ajay follow
ajay teacher W