I felt the same but got cured and I'm back to liking girls. It's like a test, you can continue if you want after you are healed from COVID. I had friends that continued liking men and it's alright.
It's pretty random and unpredictable
I personally recovered within 3 days with just a little fever, and on the other hand I had people in my family die of it
I was pretty shitty when I had it, fatigued for a week, could only stand/sit up for a few hours at a time, but after a week kind of went back to normal
At no point did I think I was gonna die or have to go to the doctor or anything
Every person in my family got it at same time 2 vaccinated, 2 unvaccinated and all of us had exact same symptoms just 1 day of fewer and only slight headache and sore throat after. Super easy, but ofc it depends on person.
I recovered very quickly , only had slight symptoms of a cold. The rest of my family was knocked out by it though, so it can be completely random. You might not feel anything at all either.
depends on person to person. For some people, covid does not even exist, however it may last like for a week maybe at max id say. Regardless, you should take high care of yourself.
It depends, after i got COVID last month i had headache, dizziness and weakness for days, and after all that i stopped smelling and tasting until today