From Astra+Viper meta to Skye Breach meta
Am I right?
Initiator meta.
Most smokes are pretty balanced right now.
With Cypher and Killjoy still being map dependent or region dependent for most.
Honestly the meta is pretty balanced rn.
Most of the duelists are pretty weak though. With Yoru still being weak, Phoenix only sometimes being played on haven, Reyna kinda falling off in most teams, and Raze only being played on Bind. It's still Jett meta. Always has been. Always will be. Jkjk. Jett will fall out of meta at some point. I'm guessing in 4 months that she'll be out of meta.
Kj was objectively stronger before just because her map pool was stronger and just because she was stronger. After the Cypher buffs. I think they're pretty equal.
I think Killjoy is just much better on maps like: Icebox, Ascent, Breeze, Split. But a lot of those maps you might not run a Sentinel anyways. Cypher can also be very good on Split I guess. But I've seen much better Killjoys on Split than good Cypher's on Split. I think Killjoy is just favored because of the wide open maps such as Icebox and Breeze. But their power levels overall are pretty similar.
Yea. That's really strong. I don't think they should take that away though because it feels like it's a part of her playstyle. I think they should probably just make the flash be able to be broken while it's doing it's flash animation to cancel it. So that it's not as much of a pop flash. So you have to time it very well to make it a pop flash. I think that would make it better about that because then you have more time to break it and it's easier to break it. I think this would make the scouting capabilities stay the same. Which is what I think is very important for Skye.
What I mean is kinda like. When you flash. It won't flash immediately. So it will have an animation where it goes to flash. Which is like 0.15 sec. Which is more than enough time if you've already spotted the bird to kill it in two shots. I think this'll make it where you have to use it in combination with other util or smart peeks to use it to it's full potential in site execs.
Her flashes are much more long distance and you can't get her full value out of her dog and heal without playing more passively. Honestly I'm fine with Initiators being able to play like Duelists. As long as it's not better to play here like a Duelist rather than as Initiator. I mean some players can play her as a Duelist. But overall most Skyes play her as an Initiator for set plays which are honestly too overpowered rn. I think the Flashes are not super bad though bc it's only two and her heal is honestly dead weight so you practically just have a cheap drone and broken flashes. Which is not that bad considering how much the flash does. But I think they still need to just make a small rework where they just make the doggo price higher and make heal have a wider radius. And hopefully they nerf the ult a little bit with the speed and time limit so it can't be used in 1v1s or 2v2 or any less than 3 enemy alive situation so powerfully.
True. But I think it's still kinda necessary to have one duelist kinda like smokes. I mean some teams can run a no duelist comp. But it hasn't seen long term success yet. So I think it's meta to have one duelist. It's usually Jett. But Phoenix on Haven, Raze on Bind(maybe Split), and Reyna on Icebox sometimes is something you might see.
dude skye is busted , every ability has soo much impact , Ult gives info where u will know if theyre close or far or just where they are in general , the heal is soo good where u can heal multiple ppl but u cant heal urself , the flashes its fast asf , it gives u info , the flash last for soo long , and the dog;s range also got increased