cNed, TenZ, ScreaM, Russ, Izzy, Yay, Keloqz, Derke, D3ffo, Shao, buzz, Jamppi, seoldam and Patiphan are all better
Edit: Russ and seoldam added and removed Aslan. Also skRossi is probably better than AwpDell
?!??!?!?!?!?!?!? these are all legit people who can def be better than Wardell. Maybe not Yay but Yay plays a different role so you could still argue for that. cNed and Scream are some of the best Carry Jett's in the game. Keloqz looks amazing. Derke just can provide so much pressure. TenZ is TenZ. Aslan is a little ehh but still amazing. D3ffo is prob the best Jett from CIS. Shao can put up multiple numbers even though he doesn't even main Jett Kekw. Shao is just a god. Jamppi is probably a slightly better awper. But I could see Wardell being slightly better overall. BuZz is a good Jett but I would prefer if Seoldam or some of the other Jetts from Korea were also included. Patiphan is Patiphan.
all trolls aside, nobody runs at an OP in pro play. good teams smoke shit off and drone it out. for wardell to get the impact he does, he has to push up somewhere. gets the first one, falls back and watches heaven/flank for the rest of the round. he doesn’t sit back as much in this past qualifier. play style has changed.
CNED --------------------------------------------------------WARDELL
YES-------------Can rifle? ---------------------------------- NO
YES ------------Can win a site for his team?---------SOMETIMES
YES------------- Is a good operator player?----------- YES
YES---------------- Can win you an eco? ------------NO OP=NO KILLS
YES -------------- Did his team win a Masters?-------------- NO
This is bait but here's an honest answer:
I disagree with d3ffo and patiphan straight off
ScreaM and TenZ are better players but may not be better Jetts
Russ and Jamppi are playing less and less Jett recently
Seoldam, BuzZ, and Izzy are farming weaker regions
Keloqz still needs to prove himself a bit more to be 100% better
Yay and derke are on pretty similar levels as Wardell
Cned is the only Jett on this list that you can claim is 100% better then Wardell
well obv not but tsm hard play around him, in this clip alone, you got jump peeker, operator and astra smoking off to stop a trade. Like TSM play around him so much, of course you are gonna get good stats when you are fed kills. All Wardell has to do is not whiff the shot, the rest of his team makes his job super easy and require little skill
sure, but that means the team has improved, not that wardell is a top 10 jett itw. and I'm sure you could, like you just pre aim to where they will be since you have the info and they are surprised because its a different peek so you have a huge advantage. Maybe not to curry, but at least to people in your rank.