what is this comp???
Man, don't be ridiculous, Mixwell has been playing since been playing at tier 1 for 10 years, been IGL, the amount of mid round calls that win you round is insane, and has been said by all his teamates, can you open your mind for a sec and not think i0'm saying this cause he is Spanish
Actually if you were talking about Fitinho I would buy it, but not mixwell
They took the synergy/ team play path instead of the individual names route like other teams. It’s a different strategy Ig we’ll see if it works or not. For now I’m sorry but I don’t see them doing anything good, I don’t trust Bonecold IGL and Cender and Destrian need to proof themselves more. Molsi is gonna be on initiator so gonna be harder to carry, if him or Twisten have off days team is fucked.
Idk it’s a big question mark for me
Dude stop naming tier 2 players and comparing them to a playoffs team this champions. Lev literally comes from beating TL, are you saying Bonecold, hiber, hoody and Derke are better teamates for Jamppi than Scream, Nivera, Soulcas and Dimasick? Vakk and hype? Benjy fucking fishy dude are you hearing yourself