why do I not have stars, please explain
Skill issue
huh wdym, am I bad at vlr.gg?
Yes, RickyIndian clears you
cant relate
you don't like ShahZam enough
because ur an L baiter and a scourge on this beloved community
You haven't became an L baiter yet, You still have time to leave this forum
Has only 11 posts "Why don't I have stars!!😡😡😡"
how can i get more stars?
couldnt be me
FROM VLR.GG FAQ's How does the Star system work? The stars a simple measurement of how active a particular user is on the forums. Stars are gained as you make more posts.
aaaaaaaaaaaah ok thank you!
now I know thank you
you just have to hate shahzam and NA its free real state.
hover the vlr.gg site tab on ur browser and click the X for +4 stars instantly
I got 4 stars and then i got banned i think they're permanently gone now
You are on time to save yourself, don't go on a quest for stars
No stars - no bitches
If youre liuqid fan like me u get insta full stars