entry (initiator/duelist) - aspas/Jinggg OP (chamber/secondary duelist) - yay flex (sentinel/controller/initiator) - nAts controller - MaKo initiator - shao
suygetsu/less better than nAts rn
honorable mention: tehbotol if we're talking about anchor (lil bit bias ofc)
Tbh Pancada and Mako are on the same level, if the former is now a bit better rn
pancada for controller since he kinda mvp of champs for loud imo
i only put mako cause his viper nasty asf
I still consider xeta among the top initiators, haven't seen him play in a while though
i agree with jing & aspas, but I also think Zyppan is really good too, he was having so much impact in champions