Coach bail talked on stream about his thoughts while creating the roster (Source)
- He trialed almost every known pro in the Korean scene.
- People may call it TNL 2.0 but he didn't purposely recreate TNL. He specifically told eKo that he may not be picked and he's just giving him the opportunity to trial. eKo did well in the trial hence he was picked up.
- Meteor, TS, k1Ng was pretty much guaranteed on the roster . The other 3 were picked from trials.
- iNTRO can be looked forward to next year and thinks will grow a lot under his coaching.
- Secret will most likely not be playing unless necessary. He thinks Secret has a lot of potential to grow so he picked him as the 6th.
- He didn't bring JoxJo along with him and Meteor because they think about the game differently as coach and IGL. He says JoxJo is still a good player.
- Two players who he almost passed were Wenty and Lakia.
- Wenty is mechanically talented but was lacking in the teamplay aspect. (Valorant is a team game after all)
- Lakia currently has a wrist injury. If he could give Lakia time to recover, he probably would have passed him but due to the soft lock deadline he couldn't.
- He offered t3xture and exy but there were difference in opinions between the two orgs. He said he couldn't go into details about this.
- Gen.G is still looking to create a global roster so changes will probably be made in the future.