Logitech and razor are overpriced garbage, xtrfy m42 is the greatest mouse in gaming history at only 65$.
lmfao you lost all your stars btw? anyways besides the point, you've never tried the superlight g pro. and dont lie saying "OH I BOUGHT IT" or "OH I TRIED IT OUT MY FRIEND HAS ONE" like dude saying xtrfy, which is a mouse that is really hard to get used to, is the best mouse is just nuts. superlight is rated the best mouse for fps in general and most pros use it. soooo... haven't been seeing any pro use a xtrfy .....
I love the Glorius Model O minus, due to how it fits my hand and the lightweight. When it comes to mice I believe its all about how the mice feels, I woudnt discredit one credible brand from another. I currently own the GPro, Deathadder, Viper mini, Model O, G305 and G Wolves Hati. Ill rank them in order below. It also is important to note that I have a normal/medium sized hand, not small but not large either. I prefer fingertip grip and a small mouse helps with that.
razer and logitech are both super good nowadays, this isn't 2013 where every minecraft player had deathadders and broke them due to spam clicking and blamed the mouse lol
xtrfy mice are quite good, but they are definitely a lower quality than the more premium mice (i've had issues with the ones i had)
if you wanna talk about a lower price mouse that should be higher priced, it would be the endgame xm1 imo, that mouse is fantastic
I moved to Logitech with a G305 and never left. For some reason, here in Chile Logitech isn't that expensive as other brands. In fact xtrfy is pretty expensive here (maybe for the models they bring).
Also i tried buying a G304 from China for a second computer and it's the same as the one i bought here (response, quality)