What is your opinion about a team having 6 players?
I don't like this idea, I think a team with 5 players only is much better
Managing 6 players is not easy
If there are to be 6 players, let one be a rookie only.
If team only having 5 player roster with just ONE player having visa issues to international tournament and cant get replacement in time = automatic forfeit. 6 player roster would make more sense. If there's any chance of international tournament held in America, can easily see any russian/SEA player not able to get VISA in time.
I think a teams 6th should be an analyst type player/igl type player that can help the team in other ways other than playing, so they aren't just sitting on the bench doing nothing, like qpert for c9 and boi on the old 100T roster, or getting a young player that can step into a role if a starter player is slumping/needs a mental break.