I feel bad for India too tbh
They have an Indian org just to be taken over by other underrepresented countries
If Riot had chosen properly it wouldnt be like this
ligany panjang 4 tahun gk ush buru2, rrq itu percaya proses. dari bwh sampe bs juara predator itu butuh proses. albert aja dr pemain publik bs jadi pemain top.
buset analaogi mobile dibawah ke valo. kalo lu ngikutin valo dari awal lu bakal tau betapa besarnya gap tier 1 sama tier 2. BOOM aja butuh 2 tahun untuk bisa sampai ke champions.
as of now we will be happy with one indian in the roster we know that our region as a whole is not upto the global standard but we have good upcoming talents so future looks interesting.