When someone wins Berlin or Champions, how many ppl on this do u think are gonna change their flair to that team
I think this is interesting. I really enjoy the Olympics and I have a decent amount of pride for my country and for those that represent me on the international stage.
Andbox didn’t qualify for Berlin. You better believe I will be cheering for the NA teams that do qualify. I would love a clean sweep for NA in the top 3
I will most likely change my flair during the next lan because to me the only thing that matters is NA being on top internationally.
I also like players more than orgs, so the fact that Andbox just imploded makes me more likely to root for another team. I am a bigger fan of yay than I am of Andbox, so I’m curious where he will end up. I can dream that he’ll join envy and then I can switch flairs to a Berlin team that has my favorite player.