i´ll change my flair to leviatan forever, i know, all the odds might get kru on at most 7th, but i got the krupium of xand helping klaus with calls so there is finally more than 1 brain on the team, and daveeys finally playing with 4 teammates instead of 1 so he can be comfortable on risking and not screwing the round because he dies and the rest cant do shit. also nagzet hasnt touched his ceiling yet and he is improving day by day on a more consistent shape so melser wont have to care about playing them 1vs2s to get overtimes, i know levs roster looks slightly better on aim and tactics and they have the potential to win the whole thing, and as a kru fan that makes me salty af because they also took my favourite player with them (mazino), but i still think kru has something planned and will work harder than ever to get a good score on the ranking.