Here is a list of some overrated players and some underrated players. You have to find out which group is what.
Group 1: Zander dicey dapr Nukkye Asuna
Group2: JonahP jawgemo cNed zest less
There is no way Zest overrated, so..
I'm gonna reorganize
overrated: zander nukkye jawgemo asuna dicey
underrated: zest jonahp less cned dapr
ruined it
i dont see tonz in any of those lists so tough call
There are lot more underrated players for sure but couldn't list all of them for specific reasons but I tried to list the most overrated players that came to mind.
bro didnt even try to make it hard
People would still get it wrong and would say oh this guy isn't overrated, that guy isn't underrated blah blah. That's the fun part lol
group 1 is overrated though I wouldn't call Dapr overrated.
Group 1 overrated obviously