Aryan "Ayrin" Khan is an Indian Valorant player who has recently signed with GE (Ganesh Esports). He is best known for his "Bug the turret" tactic and a little less known for selling appliances at Gada Electronics with Rushi "Jethalal" Sinha
Aryan "Ayrin" Khan is an Indian Valorant player who has recently signed with GE (Ganesh Esports). He is best known for his "Bug the turret" tactic and a little less known for selling appliances at Gada Electronics with Rushi "Jethalal" Sinha
आर्यन "आयरिन" खान एक भारतीय शूरवीर खिलाड़ी हैं जिन्होंने हाल ही में जीई (गणेश एस्पोर्ट्स) के साथ अनुबंध किया है। वह अपनी "बग द बुर्ज" रणनीति के लिए जाने जाते हैं और रुशी "जेठालाल" सिन्हा के साथ गडा इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स में उपकरण बेचने के लिए कम जाने जाते हैं।