Zekken > victor simple as that
if zekken isnt in a franchised slot, orgs actually dumb asf
(Zekken) (Victor) (Leaf/Zellsis) (Babybay) (Asuna) 5 partnered team flex players hopefully
Ofc, thought it was pretty obvious
Zekken plays initiators really well and better than Victor that's for sure. Entry is debatable imo. Victor shines the most on raze and phoenix
yeah but people gotta think about team chem, exp, and overall mental which victor def hasd more of
idk about mental
In that case, do you thing nrg should drop victor and pick up zekken? Maybe they can ask 100t to give them cryo too
no. just making sure no one here is dumb
food > victor anyways
friendship takes you places in NA. zekken will still find a home though
Dude put babybay