Obviously this is dumb af and wont be at all indicitave of the actual situation whatsoever, i just thought it would be fun to put it into perspective
#1 America: 5 Teams, 30 players (6 per team)
#2 Korea: 3 Teams, 18 players
#3 Brazil: 3 Teams, 18 players
#4 Spain: 3 Teams, 18 players
#5 Japan: 2 Teams, 12 players
#6 Turkiye: 2 Teams, 12 players
#7 France: 2 Teams, 12 players
#8 Chile: 2 Teams, 12 players
#9 United Kingdom: 1 Team, 6 players
#10 Europe/Belgium (Team liquid): 1 Team, 6 players
#11 Ukraine: 1 Team, 6 players
#12 Singapore: 1 Team, 6 players
#13 Indonesia: 1 Team, 6 players
#14 Thailand/Taiwan (Talon Esports): 1 Team, 6 players
#15 Philippines: 1 Team, 6 players
#16 India: 1 Team, 6 players
Officially, 16 countries represented, 180 players. Im fully aware this is bullshit and some teams wont build teams around their home country and i didnt count coaching staff, but i thought it would be interesting nonetheless, lmk if i made any stupid mistakes with my ameribrain