Sad to see that boaster is now the only one left from original core.
FNC was always the team to replace even their good players for a better option. Doma was one good example of this case.
I never thought that Boaster would be the last one remaining. He was just the weak link of team mechanically, but over time he became consistent enough in fragging and his GIGABrain never not made an impact on global stage. He was the captain of the ship and hope he sails even stronger with new players along side him.
Moe, Boaster, tsack, Doma and Mistic 🥹
Note : I am in no way unhappy with the way fnc progressed so far. Just the fact that they havenot won a masters despite their caliber and constant changes is making them G2(CSGO) of valo. new vct, new luck I guess. Lets hope boaster gets his hand on a trophy before he retires