I think franchise will kill many minor regions and maybe there will be less new talent than before .
Only problem I have currently is the fact that NA only has 5 slots. I think for a region thats proved themselfs able to qual for Inernational Events I think 7 slots would have been much better but I also understand why Riot only allocated 5 originally. I hope in terms of smaller regions it doesnt completely kill the scene but again thats all dependant on how well the Tournement mode goes. The Tier2 stuff on paper so far from what we know sounds pretty good and it seems asif Riot wants to keep them involved and not completely shut out but only time will tell.
At the beginning will be kinda wild (too much roster movement, people being mad about teams/players), so people will have a "bad" perception of it.
At mid term, will be good (it usually is when this kind of systems are implemented).
At long term, time will tell. Surely will work, and if there are teams that just try to milk the shit out having the spot, i hope Riot does something in that cases.
Yeah I think long term say there is a case that a team is sticking with the same roster and same coaching staff that is HUGELY under-performing and refuses to make changes I'd assume Riot would probably step in and say something, I can only assume something like this will happen. Initially yes its going to be abit crazy with all these roster moves and seeing some teams recyle players but once we get into the mid-late term things will balence out alot.
Not necessarily, I think it'll make it alot easier for viewers to follow teams they beleive in you're just essentially condensing the ammount of orgs. I don't think we will see a dip in viewership. You have to remember alot of people dont entirely follow orgs for the org itself they follow it for players or individual players.