I want meteor in drx....if that's not the case L drx management
Joxjo to dwg(dwg players are very good but igl is worst,we saw in lcq)
And I think I kr org will be forced to pick sea roster probably
Current GE roster is not good enough to compete with the other APAC franchise imo. Maybe they'll replace Kappa with Kohlii in the future.
But as much as i hate to say it, they ain't making any changes any time soon. :(
they wil get absolutely shit on with their 5 indian, im not hating on them, its just they can't compete with it, and with other teams probably making a lot of big changes to the roster, they are doomed
That's just incorrect lol. Ge will never move away from a majority South Asian roster. Skrossi and LF will 100 percent play the kickoff and the third player will be South Asian. Rushindra's philosophy with this roster is veryy clear.