1: Yay
- highest k:d
- highest kpr
- 2nd highest fkpr - fdpr (0.12)
- 2nd highest acs
- Played a high amount of games which should remove any animalities in data (hes crazy good and consistent)
- 5 MVPS (in every game optic won hes was the "mvp")
2: Kingg
- highest acs
- joint highest fkpr whilst third in fkpr - fdpr (0.11)
- 2nd highest adr. 3rd highest kpr.
- consistent performer throughout the whole tournament and he igls
3: Pancada
- incredibly low fdpr for the amount of rounds played whilst maintaining a double his fdpr (0.4) as his fkpr (0.8)
- played 5 different agents throughout the tournament
- 2nd best brim, best omen, 2nd best sage.
- an mvp vs lev
- won the tournament.
- 3rd highest kast 78%
Honourable mentions (not sorted)
- derke, great peformance however can be caught out alot (high fdpr)
- zmjjkk, low amount of maps played. very explosive player.
- less, performed very well though with how well rounded loud is didnt get the spotlight compared to some other players
- keznit: hot and cold in his performances, very inconsistent
- buzz: similar to derke in a way
- shao: his fade outshines his other agents. (sova and sage no where near his fade it terms of impact)
- alfajer: inconsistent, especially his neon. raze is crazy though
- mako: arguably 2nd best smokes. best brim by a long shot, other agents slightly let him down
yo, thoughts / changes