Isso é verdade? Ou o Coreano( o streamer br da loud) só ta falando merda dnv?
Isso é verdade? Ou o Coreano( o streamer br da loud) só ta falando merda dnv?
talvez o tempo mude pq a stream está on ainda
mas fica entre 2:49:00 até 2:56:00 o momento dele falando
you only think of things as fans vs fans where one group has to be merit and the other has to be demerit
reality is everything is mixed. for fans it's wrong to be like "ohh they just played bad. unlucky" because they don't know anything.
but for the players, they know if they're playing like shit bro. they know if their aim is off, their teamwork is bad, etc (examples)
he got interviewed after he lost and just said he felt like he played bad. thats it. not everything is an attack on the other team