Coping for fnc since reyjavik 2021. boaster looks shit, i cope til now. LOST TO AN NA TEAM?????????????????????????
Im moving to FPX where they know how to win a LAN. and im also gonna support the m3c players on their rosters and gld players (leo sayf trexx kolda)
i know i made the no bandwagoners thread but this boaster has to go man. im going to fpx until boaster leaves
if fnc wants something, GET RID OF THIS FKN TIER 4 NA PLAYER BOTSTER and this random tier 3 enz0
- mistic, absolute dead weight
W roster changes below:
FNC REDGAR -boaster
Coach FNC ENGHH -mini
im done with boaster mini and these random tier 60 players enzo and mistic
FNATIC better not be keeping boaster til 2025
roster changes NOW
other god players for g2 and another roster maybe:
g2 nukkye g2 nats g2 kolda g2 leo g2 sayf
trexx,twisten,jady are other good players that should replace someone in tl if possible or something
and we have gods fpx