Dear Valorant devs,
I'm just your average Valorant player and pro scene enthusiast who enjoys the game you have created and appreciates your continuous effort into making the game more enjoyable for us.
You've done a great job so far into observing the evolution of the game, changing things up so they don't get stale and non-dynamic. You've done a great job with newly added content and testing the boundaries of tac FPS genre.
But I feel like you forgot about me - an average player queueing up to enjoy the game. I'm, of course, not speaking about myself specifically, I'm speaking for the community outcries to introduce a better system for player reporting and penalty issuing.
In the Episode 5 Act 1, I would queue up with two great people I've met online and even with slimmer odds of some random person being toxic or disrespectful towards his team, we managed to stumble upon these kind of players too often. They stopped playing due to multitude of reasons, and simply do not want to go thru those kind of experiences.
In this act, I was mostly solo-queueing. Without exaggerating, 70% of the games (this may even be a lowered number) ends up in me muting someone due to their wildly toxic or disrespectful behavior. Amount of people destroying their team's mental with screaming in comms, telling people to "unlive themselves" and using disrespectful, hateful, offensive and derogative language is too high.
Little tilts here and there are fine, as they can easily end with one person on the team being supportive. I'm strictly talking about behavior that is (supposedly) banable. I'd wish to see more effort being put into creating the new system to help out with this obvious problem or see some welcoming changes to an existing one.
On behalf of majority in the community, as your great work with game balancing and adding in-game content continues, please address this issue. People left and right keep getting unpunished for their inhumane behavior. I'd hate to see more great people leave the game and for the remaining few to be left with players undeserving of their place in the community.
Many of us are on our last few remaining "gg go next" before we leave the game due to this.
Just another Valorant enjoyer