With the Indian league coming next year, its nearly confirmed that godlike is going to form a roster. Also I got some leaks today that s8ul might try to enter again. Here's to rising toxicity and increasing viewership ๐ป
Would be so hard for india till 2025 because they'll qualify to ascension league but from there the real test starts cuz many orgs that didn't make franchising will be there and they're not gonna be bad.
Edit: wait are india getting their own domestic league? Or they are gonna compete in challengers to ascension to international??
India has 10 signed teams which I believe is a higher no. than nearly every SEA region and they even pay more salary than sea orgs
ROG Academy
True Rippers
W Streak
Cant express how big of a W this is for orgs which have still invested in the scene despite having a pathway to international which is so rough.
Also the orgs that I mentioned in this post (Godlike and S8uL) are orgs with huge fanbases, we're talking of bbl and kcorp in numbers. If they get in the scene and promote their teams well we can get 100k watching from India alone
Why would big creators join orgs lol. Most big creators would rather be independent. Also tanmay and carry arent really involved in esports in any way, both have gaming as side hustles. Tanmay might make a move in some world since he's a very very very big sentinels fan , but carry is never doing anything related to esports
Neither of them pubgm, also you can't really hate them for it even if they do. They are just influencers whose side hustle is gaming sometimes, although carry is a hardcore gamer nowadays lol pretty much plays every game on streams( co-op, single player, battle royale, gta etc) while tanmay is a big valo gan