Tl aim diffed m3c?
either saving strat or aim diff tbh
Scream, Nivera and Jamppi aim diffs most people
brother buff
yea basically m3c won both pistols and threw anti eco both times and their executes just got stopped by scream/soulcas
pretty much yes
chronicle just can't hitting his shot also jady whiffing so hard
It's breeze man
everyone is just whiffing their shots from M3C so in a sense yes
not at all m3c played this really badly, they normally play better
There is no team in the world that has better aim than TL Their issue has always been strats and igl-ing.
Tl aim>=fpx aim(mainly because of ange1) Jamppi=Ardiis Suygetsu=Scream>Nivera Soulcas>Shao Zyppan>Dimasick(so far) Ange1 worst aim
I'm laughing at soulcas > Shao Anyway flair checks out
Nah shao = soulcas at the least. I heckin love shao
ANGE1 has better aim than your typical IGL.
u are drunk Shao > Soulcas
no FPX have an amazing aim and an amazing igl with huge brain and big strats that's why they win
TL have even better aim and less of the rest