G2 and T1 are top tier orgs that just drop good players left and right for other teams to grab
They buy all the good players but only the ones that dont play well together 😂😂
T1 drops Sayaplayer -> He immediately gets super good and quals to LAN with his new team
T1 drops Victor/Crashies -> They become part of the best team NA, win a Masters and also have 2nd and 3rd finishes at LAN
T1 drops Seven -> He becomes TSMs star player
G2 drops ardiis -> He eventually wins a LAN with his team
G2 drops koldamenta -> Quals to LAN with new team
(only a W for the player tbh) G2 drop Pyth -> gets fat as fuck paycheck to play in APAC for a top 5ish team
G2 drops zeek -> zeek wins champions
any org that wants to succeed just has to wait for one of those two to drop a player and if they get them they get ez dubs LMAO