๐๐ป shotgun map
they did remove it?
yes, thats why they removed it
Better remove since is a TOTAL CT-sided, but the shotgun gameplay in this map is really annoying
StFu, SpLiT iS tHe BeSt MaP iN VaLoRaNt AnD iS FuNnY tO WaTcH -an average vlr user
ikr its only "fun to watch" because its horribly one-sided and teams can come back from deficits easier than in other maps
A lot of pros like the map surprisingly
Funniest map no cap
will be missed
one of the best maps in the game wich actually requires a brain, of course vlr hates it
split requires a brain๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ i bet you hate pearl bcs its "rng based map"
lmao pearl is the most split like map in the pool fuck icebox tho', most brainless map ever. hope they bring split in for it.
split like map? what makes you say that? just bcs its a close corner map like split doesnt mean the playstyle is the same, Split was heavy ct based pearl is way better on both sides
split highkey had some of the most entertaining pro games lol
split>pearl and it's not even close