imo ORDER will shit on PRX at Champions
get better at baiting
This is not how to bait
This isn't even a bait, this just proves ur brain has left ur head xD
ahahahahah wtf
what happened? I thought you hated order like 2 days ago
this is Matrix bro dont question it
sadly order and g2 have something in common, they both won't make it to champions
imo order will shit on g2
I actually agree
classic ChedZ
go touch grass dude
still mad that prx defeated g2
ez lmao ORDER>>>>>>>>>PRX by far HAHAHAH
mad cuz bad. Guess what both order and g2 ain't even going to lcq finals, so champs is a stretch xD
Is this the guy that had meltdown cuz of bait posts? 💀 X7