how many spots from each subregion?
6 na 2 br 1 las 1 lan
Idk if will be 1 LAN + 1 LAS, could be 2 for entire LATAM
Hi Noyn! How are you?
Good hbu?
Disappointed by outcome of today's matches but overall good
10 NA
MY guess for orgs Optic 100t C9 EG TSM SEN LOUD MIBR KRU INF
I highly doubt FaZe won't be part of the NA list (mainly because of the Org traction/influence)
what is your list then
I don't have a list, but using yours as a reference (a good list), I'd probably replace EG with FaZe
eg does have the lcs connection
Idk faze in a weird financial situation as the reports have said recently.