repent and bask in the light of the goat of valorant
W post think NA fans actually understand that the team they thought were God's xset literally barely pass playoff masters level LUL
I haven't seen a single NA fan say they thought XSET were "gods"
Oh lol their were when they beat optic in NA finals
Show me where they were called gods?
its the same people that hyped up TGRD bro šš what did you expect?
u mean THEFRAUD? babysasuke was right trent fell off after his cheat got exposed
yea, whatever you wanna call them
no na fan thinks xset is good besides delusional baiters like babysasuke and professional bcj dickrider moatz
what he said?
all team in na are braindead except for optic
Ofc the na frogs fans will say "how dare u speak against ur own region!" When wardell literally scrims all these teams on a daily basis and knows how shit they are
Optic only good team in NA for now