I've seen some br people complaining about the franchise of 2023. But they dont see that if this is not happening, our best teams like Loud, Nip, (Vk,Furia or Mibr) aren't going to get any evolution, thats why our region is so fucked up, we cant get any better teams to play, and our bad teams that arent on Loud level wont get any better and Loud wouldnt have to play against tier 2 teams. Think about that, Loud just had 2 days to train because of the midia day too, we cant get well prepared and the team looks like its on a bad phase(every team gets trough one) if they were playing on franchise they get very much prepared and their "bad phase" wouldnt be that bad
Not taking any merit of Krü they played really well, but that isnt the Loud that we all know playing