when do we get trust factor?

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The only fix i can think of for ranked is something like a trust factor
i cant stand getting so many AFK, no comm, shit mental, egotistical, sexist/racist motherfuckers in my games
Players should be able to commend teammates after a game (Good communication, skill, etc)
That could boost your "trust factor" value
Maybe also a large amount of pings and time spent voice comming could boost it a little bit so you get more people with comms if you comm
Playing badly and getting reported could take it down a little bit, and if you are actually banned or restricted off of a report (for toxicity/racism/sexism etc) it could take away a lot. Maybe it could also reward the person who reported the offender with slightly better "trust factor" value, so there is more incentive to report people who deserve it
I dunno, man. Shit sucks. Trust factor will help, no matter how they implement it. Where is it??


Overwatch already experimented with that idea and it seemed to work, I too am sick of shitters in my ranked game that don't talk or start inting because they get tilted way too fast, would be a neat idea rito
forgot to mention
Overwatch also has an Avoid a teammate feature which I think Valorant should have


yes please
even something incredibly basic like you get matched with people that have the same or similar amount of commends that you have, and no complicated values
even that would help
edit: avoid as teammate would be HUGE it doesnt happen to me much but i have had to dodge some games before cause ive gotten someone i hated
and i can imagine it would help a lot more in radiant since its a very small pool of players that play together


yeah theres this one guy that I finally somehow stopped getting them in my ranked games, maybe he got comm banned for perm banned but it was so triggering cuz he would just int and int and int on my team everytime and he was HORRIBLE, that's why I think avoid as teammate would be a good feature in this game.
who knows tho maybe riot have something cookin' up

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