I feel like 1st place teams getting to go all the way to playoffs is still a little crazy. I think maybe a slight change should be made to where they are able to get an advantage in groups to where they only need 1 win to make it out. At least then it allows for a lot more exciting matches in the groups and it also allows for a lot more games to be played for big teams like say FNC or last masters Loud wouldve played more matches so that there would be a better gauge of their strength.
Like lets say FNC make the same run loud did last tourney, we'll only be able to see this team play for 4 matches total and if after winning they fall off then we p much dont get to see them in top form again until they slowly rise again. Like imagine if we didnt get to see loud anymore in this tourney cause they got upset. That would suck cause they literally played 4 international matches and then went back to their region which we have literally 0 metrics on how to gauge their strength