benkai owns you..
9 year old moment
mad it wasnt f0rsaken?
Mald more kiddo OMEGALUL
Twitch emotes outside of twitch, has to be max 13 years old.
Also you
wtf is this discussion
Its a discussion between two ratkids...
Yea idk why he’s so mad. It’s just a low effort joke post
He’s not even cute 💀
jingg is tho
Your gf would beg to differ.
derke owns sakura 😹
Waifu *
chet exist
nvm you're right. 🤷♂️
Sexken owns you
But he can’t even have sex
he can if he does it with another kid
NA law only says adults cant have intercourse with minors
NA slowly becoming one country, now it has its own law
HONORABLE MENTION: bald judge man who would be no. 1 if he made Copenhagen and wasn't dropped from liquid. Same applies for coach piggy
Mommmy fns wtf 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
the truth is the truth my friend
scream is also an honorable mention if liquid made it to copenhagen
yessir. I just didnt wanna put too many but every liquid player deserves honorable mention
scream is ✨🗿✨ simply GIGACHAD
mans 28 and aiming like he's 18. He's super professional. And he has gigachad size beard and hair.
Hes a role model for all young players, i know there is gonna be an insanely strong French-speaking Valorant scene because of this guy.
100% agreed
jingg mom
Bro lol
I will lose it if saadhak Cosplay as Skye He would look same as her 🤣🤣😭💀💀💀💀
the jesus ripped hansdome looking guy called scream, the beard the aim , he can breed me and pee inside my moth tbh no problem
this is just INSANE. even number1screamfan wouldn't do this.
some ppl have it in id and some people actually mean it :(
Where is liquid
edit: nvm they aint goin to COPIUMhagen
xnfri nth ez
With the players listed u jzst realised how bad val players look compared to CS players lol. In CS the names would be: BlameF, k0nfig, Dev1ce, Twistzz, Jackzz, NiKo, fnx, REZ etc.
He listed Derke 5 times bozo
I talk about the people that commented into this thread.
No Offense ,Derke looks like a 35 year old bald man
derke = johnny sins of valorant
he's everywhere and fucks everyone
No...LMAO 😭
1.Stax 2.St4x 3.StaX 4.stax 5.STAX
true, I can sense so much determination in his glare
why did i read that as sexist :skull:
here we go again Fnatic dropping players before LAN due to cancelation 😭😭😭
Cryocells is very sexy, but derke is bald.
Hear me out. Enz0
Not a player but the johnny sins of valorant aka onur 😈
yall just weirdos
Issa joke, can’t we have some fun. No fun allowed on 🤬😡🤬
Daddy Sacy 🥵
sacy's plain head owns you
Mistic 😍