The Final Battle
Whoever wins today will qualify for the LCQ for a spot at Copiumhagen, Mwzera is the player TrembolonaRage loves the most, and Xand is the player he hates the most.
Who will you support for?
If VK win this I shave my hair
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not gonna happen bro, the chance of vk win the series B05 against NIP is less than I win loterry
Then you might buy a lottery now. You will win,
Ik what I'm talking about bro, it is not a 50/50 chance here, it more like 80/20.... btw you will understand after the match
do you have a 20% chance of winning the lottery then? the probability is still very high
Told you to take the lottery, ;)
Nip reverse swep or u're done
VK porque quero ver o mwzera jogando de raze na gringa
NIP is better. 3x0 and we can say we have a second team in BR that can compete outside even tho it's light-years in distance from LOUD.
Acho que a NIP tem mais chances de ir bem no LCQ/Masters do que a VK, então tô torcendo pra eles. Mas é triste, pq o mw tá jogando pra caralho
NIP 3-1
nip só pq n quero ver o br passando a vergonha de ter rhz no internacional
I'm getting dejavu over this vct br
mw just because i want to see him in the masters again
vk 3-2
mwraze 12/18 lurking a lot
and all kills he took were on the side/back...
xand vs heat*
Even mwzera not play his best this match. In round 27 & 28 his 2 first kill is the one that wins the map. Mwzera 1, xand 0
Edit Map 2, Mwzera, aim super good utility usage is just average Xand, pretty much average Mwzera 2 xand 0
mwraze kinda ass now lol
playing 90% retake on ct
what about t side stop fucking lurking
Expectations: Mwzera poppin everyone off Reality: Mwzera carried by heat
reality: MVP do segundo mapa
ser consistente não é ser bom sempre, ninguém é, e sim na maioria. e isso sem dúvida o Mwzera é.