Ascent Pearl Bind Split Haven Icebox Fracture Breeze
S teer London
whats split?
split was my first love....
with pearl:
Pearl Breeze Ascent Bind Icebox Haven Split Fracture
Breeze Fracture Haven Pearl Ascent Split Icebox Bind
What is your main agent?
i don't have any, i just don't play breach and kay/o
Pearl Ascent Haven Split Breeze Fracture Icebox Bind (fuck this stupid ass map with no dumbass mid and the worst chokes in the fucking game worse chokes than ascent and ascent has a fucking middle to the fucking map.)
Ascent Bind Pearl Icebox Split Haven
Breeze (🤮)
Based gigachad breeze last, worst map
Haven Bind Fracture Split Pearl Breeze Ascent
Poopbox 💩💩💩💩
Thank god riot stepped it up and made Pearl good
Fracture was the biggest mistake ever
Train Nuke Split Cobble Overpass Ascent Tuscan Pearl Ancient Inferno Bind Mirage Icebox Cache Fracture Breeze Haven Dust 2 Vertigo
Top 3 Split = opinion invalid
Best map for teams that know how to coordinate attack
Goodluck finding that team in solo ranked
Fuck solo ranked Pro Scene is the only shit that matters
Shut the fuck up blackbeard.
Haven = Ascent Bind Pearl Icebox Breeze Split Fracturd
Haven Split Ascent Pearl Bind Icebox Fracture Breeze
S god tier: haven
A great tier: pearl ascent
B very good tier: split
C good tier: bind icebox
D trash tier: breeze fracture