s1mple officially switched to valorant twitter.com/s1mpleO/status/1457469532633718786?cxt=HHwWhICzuay0_LkoAAAA
no way
that's fuckin crazy right
I am not clicking link.....it's gotta be a Rick roll
its not bro. trust.
idk ppl are afraid of every link now
0/8 nt
u are just shy
Nice try bro
jokes on you i got an ad L
Fuckin YouTube
Saved by the ad massive W from yt
idk, still count
jokes on you i got an ad
Saved by the people of vlr
The one thing Opera is bad at, keeping me from getting rickrolled cause i have the built-in Opera Privacy Protection Ad-Blocker™
still counts
nope it does not
fk YouTube
if s1mple did switch to val itd be in the title not the post nt
i mean alot of ppl fell for it
thats cuz they want to believe
saved by bottom left xcq
i will short it next time
Most of the article will pop on Google before vlr
still ppl clicked on it
I was going to
YouTube ads are saviors 😂
twitter.com/s1mpleO/status/1457469532633718786?cxt=HHwWhICzuay0_LkoAAAA fixed it,
First time i regret using ad block
an ad saved me from getting rick rolled lmfao
Damn, u got me, I clicked on it #WP :D
Youtube ad saves the day
i expected better from you ahmed
if i didn't get u this time i will get u next time
YouTube ad saved me
NT bro
it says xcq at the bottom left that shows the real link. u need different link bro many ppl memorized that link already
not rick roll if it is not the real yt video i will try to short it next time to make sure everyone fell for it