No personal profiles, scouting tools, guides based on individual players, or personalized data of any kind, UNLESS an individual player chooses to share their data. We want players to have ownership of their data, and we don't want to share it if that player doesn't want it shared. What this looks like can take multiple forms, but it will involve a Riot-owned authentication structure we can unlock for you if we believe your application design warrants it.
Example: Player X wants to see their own profile, match history, and stats. Player X will need to login to their Riot account, via RSO, to confirm their identity before being permitted to view their own profile.
Example: Player Y wants to see Player X’s profile, match history, and stats. Viewing another player’s profile should only be possible if the player has verified their identity, via RSO, and opted into making their profile public. You should be able to provide an audit history of each player opting in.
not sure what sort of anonymized data will be available though