I'm no expert by any means, this is just coming from a fan perspective. I wish we could see more Asuna on Kayo instead of agents like fade and sage. Having Asuna on a support instead of an aggressive self sufficent like kayo just seems a bit sad to me. Like having him be bomb bitch on icebox, or to constantly be supporting on fade on split. Just give this man some kayo. And as a bonus id also love to see him play raze/neon on more maps than just fracture.
And its also not like Kayo is bad by ANY MEANS on the maps he wasnt playing him. Hes great on split and icebox. The only map i never see kayo on is bind, and asuna is playing Skye (which is fine)
I also know stats arent everything but just looking at his stats on kayo/raze compared to fade/skye/sage just tell the story