+1 and chamber is a duelist
no cappacino
Viper is a controller/sentinel hybrid on defense, a controller on attack Chamber is a sentinel/duelist hybrid on defense, a sentinel on attack
hybrid ....what?
he meant versatile i guess
They blur the lines between what each role is supposed to do. So Viper isn't just a sentinel or just a controller when she plays on defense, she's a bit of both.
got that
kinda like a prius
I'd say viper is a sentinel on attack as well, only if you are running her with a second controller though
Viper is a controller but most pro teams utilize the agent like a sentinel on some maps.
yeah her flank detecting utils are so good
yeah raze is also an initiator, her boombot can reveal enemy position
Aah yes Sage can detect flanks.
divides up the map and locks down her territory!
she is a controller/sentinel hybrid :)