Pros and cons of franchising

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Someone explain to me the pros and cons of franchising? The cons from what I understand is that the teams outside of the franchise get fucked, which hurts t2 teams, are there any benefits to offset this?

  1. money
  2. money
  3. money

Depends very much on how Riot approaches Franchising with Valorant. People rn are just speculating with someone saying something bad about it and someone saying something good but as long as Riot does completely release their Franchising plans nothing can be said


depends on approach riot takes,

biggest pro : money and sustainability in scene for orgs who get into t1
biggest con : t2 scene suffers massively cause of no rel or promo

imo , i like the stuff riot are doing from "path to pro" -> t2 scene
issue is we have no idea how a t2 team makes into t1 if they improve and what is penalty for t1 teams performing badly.


Biggest con. Less teams and no Cinderella story runs from unknown teams / players.

Biggest pro. Less teams means a higher concentration of talent. Imagine if basically only 8 - 10 teams exist. That means all the best players will be in those teams, and they will perform much better internationally.

An issue NA and EMEA has on the international stage is that they have to many good teams in their region. By limiting the amount of teams that matter, you force the best teams to pick up the best players in order to survive.

Most of the other “minor” regions have “super” teams already. Brazil, Korea, Japan, SEA, Latam. That’s why you always see the same teams make it. Franchising would force NA and EMEA to create super teams and further help their chances on the international stage.

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