Every fucking top team looks so good. And there are pleeenty of newer teams/rosters that look amazing as well. Theres gonna be more talk about NA because im from NA and watch more NA matches than anything else, so feel free to point out anything youve seen from games youve watched!
NA we got optic still steamrolling, and this is biased but i think 100T look phenomenal as long as they dont play TSM in playoffs i think they can make it to copenhagen.
nrg, eg, lg, ghost, xset, tsm also look fan fucking tastic. (I havent watched C9 play with curry so im not gonna say anything about that)
Havent seen much of EMEA but it sounds like FNATIC are doing really fucking well (round diff of +41?!?!), plus we have FPX and M3C over there who are super good
in APAC Paper Rex trolls 1 game, shits on bleed and then 3-0s the team that beat them in the finals. PRX is actually insane, apac has improved so much since last year
Edit: I forgor xerxia π xerxia is still good
In JP zeta is still super good even if they looked shaky on that one Haven match, plus they backhanded some favorites as crazy underdogs in Masters 1 so I cant wait to watch them in masters 2
In KR drx is doing drx things, refusing to lose any games. No team has gotten more than 8 rounds on a single map from them yet in this challengers
in BR loud is... well, they have a round difference of +34 right now. Holy shit. Thats only in 2 games too, so theyre not far off from FNATICS +41
In LATAM, kru and leviatan both look super good, we get to see which one is better tomorrow
Anyway thats all ive been seeing, and there are sooo many incredibly good teams i dont think people can predict right now, with decent feasibility, who wins masters 2. I am SO excited. We get to have a crowd (right? or is that champs), and we get to see the craziest valorant in ages
This is a W for the entire valo scene