never played chamber and never had any problems with chamber in the bronze/silver lobbies
can you explain why people hate him so much and call him overpowered?
The reason some people call Chamber overpowered is because he is a high skill ceiling character. A high skill ceiling character is one that has a lot of skill expression within their abilities. This can be seen particularly with his HeadHunter and Tour de Force abilities (Sheriff and Operator), which are both aim intensive. This is also why you may not have troubles with a Chamber in bronze/silver lobbies, but in higher up lobbies it may feel oppressive and "Overpowered" at times.
Hope this helps!
Chamber is an all aim agent that's why you probably don't see Chamber being used at his full potential in low elo.
You start seeing scary chamber mains gold and above.
But he's good mostly because he can get an awp 2-3 times in a half. His headhunter is a great weapon with quick equip time. He can get a pick and instant tp. His alarmbot is one of the best Sentinel ability in the game even after the nerf.