Flag: United States
Registered: February 23, 2022
Last post: September 30, 2024 at 2:04 AM
Posts: 45

Depends who they get as duelist. If they really get Jawgemo, yeah. New look NRG is probably gonna be pretty nice with it too tho

posted 5 months ago

I think it would be sick, but logistically it probably won't happen.

In tier 2 teams, there are players who have great stats and players who are more roleplayers, doing a good job but not having great stats. Because of this, the players with good stats often get looked at more for tier 1 pickups.

I say all of this because the top players on M80 and OXG will be isolated from the other players on the team and picked apart. Think Zander - his stats are fking bonkers and a lot of teams need a consistent smokes presence. No shot he isn't going to the highest bidder, and quite frankly, that shi aint happening if its a whole team purchase. Same idea with Verno, 0 chance he isn't gonna go to the highest bidder or best situation.

I think the storyline would be sick if a whole team got picked up into tier 1, but I think it aint happenin.

posted 5 months ago

Major is like Champs with 10x the hype and stakes. Both happen once a year (majors happen a little more frequently but around once a year, max 2x a year)

Most IEM/ESL events are like masters, but keep in mind that instead of there being 2-3 masters events, in cs there is like fking 10+ of these in a year so there are more matches, thus storylines can be built and there is a lot more constant viewership that can occur. That being said, it does make some matches feel watered down at times in the group stages and such, but the finals are ALWAYS sick.

Overall the CS format gives way more events and thus leads to a more storied scene, making the majors more hype. This, on top of the fact that stickers bring in MASSIVE amounts of money for the players and teams makes the CS esports ecosystem pretty amazing. Next year too when the circuit is open, shi will go crazy. Riot is chill n shi trying to emulate the "sports" model into the structure, but the Valve style of just letting the community have free reign on tournaments and the structure is kinda sick and, atleast for me personally, i feel that it fits the esports identity FAR better than the system in place here in valorant.

posted 5 months ago

thats crazy dawg

dont get me wrong, he is a great player, but thats insane

posted 5 months ago

Polish - Patitek on Flex
Brazilian - Aspas on Duelist
American - Trent on Initator (can do some midrounding)
South Korean - Mako on Controller (IGL)
Turkish - Alfajer on Sentinel

Coach - Mini
ggs god squad

posted 5 months ago

time to go watchparty cs

posted 5 months ago

if tarik ever comes back loool

posted 5 months ago

can you add Primq to S tier plz thank u

posted 5 months ago

Munchking and Boobstio deserve a full feature film. A fanfic would be a disservice.

posted 6 months ago

I respect your honor Jerry Chapulin

posted 6 months ago

I woke up and heard something downstairs. As I walk down the forsaken stairs to my impending doom, I start to feel my mindfreak. Who could be in my house at this hour? Is it nobody and I am just going insane?

Out of nowhere, I hear someone shout "Simon!". Immediately, I respond, "Kang, Kang! I didn't know you were home!".

From afar, I heard a train howl "chiiichooooooo", signaling its departure from the station just down the street. Based on the smoggy aura permeating through the house, I can tell my brother Kang has just arrived.

"I'm surprised I didn't hear the jinggg---", as my voice cuts out, I find it hard to breath. Kang turns the corner to greet me, but upon noticing my struggles, he begins to smile. I awaken in a dark place, a scary place, tied up and unable to move or talk. A light flickers on, and out of the corner of my eye I see 5 people in the corner, each with symbols on their shirts. From left to right, the symbols are D, 4, V, 4, 1. What could this mean?

Then, from behind me, a tall man with a slender build walks into my view. Instantly, I recognize him.

"David? What are you doing here?", I exclaim, extremely confused as to why my best friend and my brother have seemingly kidnapped me and taken me to this mysterious place.

"We want you to join our secret organization. Edward Rex is the name."

posted 6 months ago

where going? why leave :(

posted 6 months ago


posted 7 months ago

this guy lookin like a clown now x-x

posted 7 months ago

"I thought you would pick icebox" - FrosT

"after yesterday?? haha" - alecks

FrosT looked insanely surprised that alecks did not pick Icebox, and swiftly banned it in the second round of pick bans. I wonder how this could impact the result of the match :o

posted 7 months ago

I agree with you as of now.

If Wo0t CARRIED (crazy performances on all series/maps) Heretics to a champs win I think he gets it.

I think players like OXY or primmie could also get it if they hard carried their team to a champs win, but on the season as a whole I do not think they hold a flame to Karon.

posted 7 months ago

glizzy mode

posted 7 months ago

This take is aging like milk rn ngl...

posted 7 months ago

1st week of EMEA, APAC, China all on 8.10

2nd week of EMEA, APAC, China on 8.11
1st week of Americas on 8.11

For the games played on 8.10, the map pool is:
Split, Breeze, Ascent, Lotus, Sunset, Bind, Icebox

For the games on patch 8.11 up until playoffs, the map pool is:
Split, Haven, Ascent, Lotus, Sunset, Bind, Icebox

For the matches in playoffs, the map pool is:
Abyss, Haven, Ascent, Lotus, Sunset, Bind, Icebox

posted 8 months ago

alecks is NOT the problem. If anything, they need a STRONG VOICE (igl) in the server that can make game-winning decisions. Right now, a lot of the calling is momentum driven by f0rsaken and d4vai... but when they are down, they often go to a more individualistic style that is easily capitalized on. IF they had someone in the server that was a strong voice, then it would ensure their ability to be consistent, much more than changing out the coach (WHICH WOULD DO NOTHING!!! <3)

posted 8 months ago

aight rich king, i want DRG bundle in 3 weeks when event is over

posted 9 months ago

feet enjoyer

posted 10 months ago

Just think about it... Pancada joins MIBR to reunite with coaches fRoD and bzkA, joining a relatively inexperienced roster with good potential as seen in their group stage matches during Kickoff. Honestly could slot him in as controller or sentinel, would bring in heavy carry potential to a team that desperately needs another player that can pop off at a moments notice. THOUGHTS???

posted 11 months ago

Not necessarily. The plat players could be "boosted" rank-wise compared to their MMR, or some players on your team may not play a lot of ranked which would make your MMR not very close to your rank

posted about a year ago

It is because Premier is based on MMR, not Rank. This means that although the game shows your team's average as Silver 3 and theirs as Plat 2, it considers your skill levels to be similar. If you would like me to explain MMR further I can so you get a better understanding of why it is like this.

posted about a year ago

looking clean lowkey

posted about a year ago

yo, I know this is mad late but I play on the team so here is the story. Bro is like a silver-gold player so he really wasn't cut out for the competition in the first place but he was all we had so it had to make do. On top of that, pretty sure he wasn't feeling it that day so it made a worse situation of an already bad one.

posted about a year ago

trolly troll

posted about 2 years ago



posted about 2 years ago

They didn't change the name of the account to his name, when they play tourneys like this they are given riot accounts with everything on them, in this case the account was the 6th one made for the tournament, RIOT One.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

PureVNS (The smoke GOAT)

posted about 2 years ago

Farm might be a stretch, but they are definitely a level above their competition.

posted about 2 years ago

n0thing is confirmed

posted about 2 years ago

(NA Copium bro dog region) (Remembers I am from NA) Yes NA best region all world omg so good!

posted about 2 years ago

Dang I was hoping they would have some 3-way decider matches lmao

posted about 2 years ago

The reason some people call Chamber overpowered is because he is a high skill ceiling character. A high skill ceiling character is one that has a lot of skill expression within their abilities. This can be seen particularly with his HeadHunter and Tour de Force abilities (Sheriff and Operator), which are both aim intensive. This is also why you may not have troubles with a Chamber in bronze/silver lobbies, but in higher up lobbies it may feel oppressive and "Overpowered" at times.
Hope this helps!

posted about 2 years ago

Common FreahgotheGreat W

posted about 2 years ago