It is painful to watch a once great valorant team fall like this while watching other fallen teams get back on to their footing. So I hope Sentinels would do some of the following changes to get them back on top again.
1)Rework the entire sentinels strategy
Right now sentinels kept putting wrong people on wrong roles. Tenz stated in one stream that he doesn't like rifling that much and as stats can show, clearly he isn't comfortable on raze at all.
Shazam feels like the weird one here: his igl and skills isn't terrible(none of the sentinels players are bad), but his comfort agents are clearly conflicting with Tenz a lot(both jett and op main) and he definitely isn't that good at initiators. This hasn't been a problem before as Shazam and tenz each take a duelist on maps like Icebox and breeze, but as the meta develops into a 2 initiator+raze+chamber meta it is clear that one of them has to go, and its clearly Shazam that has to go here
But what if he didn't?
Introducing the solution: Paper rex.
Paper rex has been known to be a really aggressive team and got good results out of it(eliminating prime guard and G2, 4th place in masters) and ran double duelists on some maps like Haven and Bind.
What if they copied their playstyle(tenz like f0rsaken with his op, jett, and yoru picks, dapr as benkai with his sentinel, and you can fill in the rest). We know that sentinels are full of cracked players and really, a lot of paper rex's strat devolves down to "jingg and f0rsaken go kill" which is like sentinel's "tenz go kill" strat right now. This strat could surprise a lot of the NA teams and give them a great fighting chance.
2)Get Sliggy in
Team liquid share a lot of similarity with paper rex in that the strat usually devolves into "we're cracked, and we will murder you" and sliggy helped set up that playstyle in team liquid. Adding sliggy as the head coach could help them refine the "cracked players go kill" strat, and plus, rawkus isn't that good of a coach anyways.
Edit: Also he's the one who made double op viable, perhaps he could make Shaz and Tenz both use op and make it work?
Overall, no hate to the players, but I believe these are the strats and changes sentinels needs to get back to the top again.
tldr: get sentinels to play like Raper Rex and get sliggy to mold them into that playstyle